Principle-based training, experience to back it up.
A professional career in military and law enforcement tactical operations and training spanning over 3 decades has enabled me to develop multiple precision rifle courses for military, law enforcement, OGA, and civilian clients. These courses provide comprehensive understanding and practical application based in real-world operational experience and a thirst for knowledge and personal betterment. The tool box is bottomless; one’s mind, never full. Dead Drift Consulting exists to leverage the wealth of this knowledge and exposure for the benefit of those seeking a soul-fulfilling and spiritual experience outside physical walls, in God’s country and among His creatures. This is not some hippy bullshit, nor is it predicated on the notion of conversion; it is merely the acknowledgement that many of us, having spent too much non-tourist time in far off lands, endless call outs and extended operations, surviving and sacrificing so that others may thrive, have neglected to pay this side of ourselves the attention it deserves. Dead Drift Consulting is here to help arm you with the skills and confidence to risk getting lost, to stride into the unfamiliar, and to embrace what is around you, and in you, in those very moments.
We are not a “tribe” and there is no subscription fee. A following on social media does not create credibility and we’re not going to tell you what you HAVE to buy, what your mindset NEEDS to be, or pry you into a stereotype of what someone says you SHOULD be. Take one course or take them all. Email, say hello, and ask a few questions. Or ask a lot of questions. Stop by here and read the blog; I guarantee there will be stuff to make you think. I neither claim to know everything nor do I promise any cure. But, my goal is to help you keep your priority list properly aligned within your life and set of circumstances. I’ve been down a few roads, none were dead ends but many led me in questionable directions. This experience, combined with the skills my professional careers have given me, create a learning environment unlike anything you’ve been through before.
I’ve assembled a list of instructors who have the skills and maturity to help me put all this together. Most of them have drawn this from both personal hunting and military/LE experience. Their perspectives, while similar enough to allow us all to get along, are different enough from mine to provide clients with multiple learning pathways and sets of circumstances to make the connection. RELEVANCE and CONTEXT are huge words for me. Connecting personal experiences with skills and knowledge that may be somewhat or completely new creates a deja vu-effect that dramatically steepens the learning curve. This philosophy permeates everything we do here. We are creative students of the craft as well and are passionate about mastering the skills necessary to enable the fullest of experiences. Join us to learn and develop, refresh and expand, tap your soul and find who you are.